
Anup Baral


A powerhouse on stage, Anup Baral's understanding of the stage makes him a delight to watch. Director of Pratiwimba Theater Group, Anup is one among the few to promote Nepali theater and give it the professionalism it deserves. An actor, director and now a teacher with the commence of his acting school Actor's Studio, Anup is an icon by all s...See Full


Filmography Lists

Movie Name Release Date(BS)
Batch No 16 2067-11-27
Dasdhunga 2067-5-18
Ek Din Ek Raat 2067-9-15
Badhsala 2070-1-6
Pal 2068-5-9
Fitkiree 2070-12-7
Aanshawanda 2055-5-24
Lakshya 2060-9-20
Kagbeni 2064-9-27
Junge 2071-9-3
Tandav 2071-5-6
Fanko 2072-10-1
Sadanga 2071-12-13
Ragat 2054-8-16
Damaru ko Dandibiyo 2075-1-21
Writer in the mist 2077-8-12


Date Title Awarded In Name