
Ashishma Nakarmi


Ashishma Nakarmi was born on Nov 22 in Balambu, Kathmandu, Nepal to mother Asha Nakarmi and father  Mana Raj Nakarmi who is renowned musician and tabal player in Nepali music industry. She belongs to a  newar community where she is elder sibling of two younger sisters. Ashishma did spend her childhood days in Kathmandu. She did her ...See Full


Filmography Lists

Movie Name Release Date(BS)
Antaraal 2070-2-3
Raghav 2071-1-7
Tori lahure 2070-11-23
Adhakatti 2072-7-3
Nabhya 2071-8-19
Love You Baba 2071-8-26
Bato Muniko Phul - 2 2073-1-10
Samrakshan 2074-4-27
Mela 2074-7-24
Jasmine 2074-8-4
Mokshya 2070-10-24


Date Title Awarded In Name