
Dayahang Rai


Finally, at 21, he landed in Kathmandu and stayed with his uncles. In Kathmandu, he scoured the Art Council and the Academy Hall, watching plays. Once, he went to the National Theatre Festival at the Academy Hall and watched a total of 20-22 plays but couldn’t meet and speak to the directors, even though he wanted very much to learn acting and d...See Full


Filmography Lists

Movie Name Release Date(BS)
Chadke 2069-11-11
Karkas 2070-2-31
Dasdhunga 2067-5-18
Umaa 2070-2-10
Loafer 2070-8-21
Saanghuro 2070-1-27
Badhsala 2070-1-6
Loot 2068-9-29
Jholay 2070-11-9
Nagbeli 2071-3-27
Kabaddi 2071-1-12
Mukhauta 2071-2-30
Highway 2069-4-5
Rahadani 2072-12-12
Sambodhan 2071-10-16
Talakjung Vs Tulke 2071-7-14
Fanko 2072-10-1
How Funny 2073-1-10
Ichchha 2071-10-2
Kabaddi Kabaddi 2072-8-11
Woda Number 6 2072-6-1
Bir Bikram 2073-5-2
Ghampani 2074-1-1
Lalteen 2074-2-26
Kanchhi 2074-11-4
Taandro 2074-7-24
Happy Days 2074-12-16
Mr Jholay 2074-9-28
White Sun 2073-8-24
Loot 2 2074-9-20
Jhumkee 2073-6-7
Nepte 2074-12-30
Sorry La 2071-7-21
Mero Love Story 2068-6-16
Aappa 2075-1-12
Saili 2075-12-15
Appa 2076-3-13
Kabaddi Kabaddi Kabaddi 2076-6-3
Senti Virus 2076-11-16
Mero Euta Saathi Cha 2066-11-6
Bhaire 2075-4-4


Date Title Awarded In Name