
Prem Dhoj Pradhan


Prem Dhoj pradhan was born in 1938 at Chautara, a small town 28 Miles east of Kathmandu. Brought up by his mother in an environment where music was synonymous with meaningful living, Prem Dhoj grew up to love it. His mother, Mrs. Buddha laxmi, taught him first lessons of music. He went to school for eight months in 1954 with the la...See Full


Filmography Lists

Movie Name Release Date(BS)
Jivan Rekha 2039-8-2
Pachhis Basanta 2045-10-7
Mayalu 2045-8-5
Shanti-Dip 2046-9-16
Mahadevi 2051-7-31
Jiwan Sangharsha 2052-3-11
Raajmati 2052-10-26
Anyay 2046-7-14
Aaghat 2047-5-9
Maitighar 2023-9-1


Date Title Awarded In Name